Tuesday, November 06, 2001

Nov. 6, 2001 - Polishing the Boat

Well it is just another day in retired life. Got up when I felt like it, about 7:00 a.m.

I went out to my boat and it was cold, about 40 degrees. I was in the process of shinning up the bottom so I got out my DC grinder. It is heavy-duty, in short heavy. With a polishing wheel and polishing compound, I went after it, but it did not work. A sanding block was the next thing to use. The polishing compound was not getting it done. After the sand paper, I went back to the polishing wheel. This was too fast so I put water on it to keep it cool. I got wet and it did not warm up much outside. I then rubbed it down with Comet to get the burnt polish off.

It looks good now. Oh yes, I hand polished it with wax.

I called Myran and asked if he wanted to repel up at Lewis & Clark State Park. He was busy so he did not call me back. I walked to the store to get dinner and when I got back he was here. So we packed and left to do some repelling.

I had this cliff in mind that I wanted to do. I sent Myran up to the top, about 500 feet. I went to the bottom of the cliff which was only about 175 feet. We did not know how far it was to the bottom so he threw the rope over to see if it would reach the bottom and it did without a problem. It is a 200 foot rope.

Myran clipped in and did the repel with horror stories of what it was like. It can't be that bad so up I went. I put on the harness that is just a little small but safe. I put on the figure eight and ran the rope. The problems start. The rope is so heavy you have to feed it out. You are trying to get over the edge. When you look out, there is Portland with all its lights, the river and yes, the ground that is 500 feet under you.

Well it is muddy and you can't just step over. You have to get on your knees. You slide your way down to where you are hanging from the rope and your feet are on the cliff. This is good but it is over hanging in a few feet. You are now dangling and this is where the good part comes. A cramp in your left arm is starting. The second ledge and it is not big enough to stand on but you can put you feet down a little. Another over hang and the cramp did not go away. I am thinking this is the last one and a nice repel to the bottom. Wrong! One more ledge and I felt like I had repelled a lot all ready. The third ledge was not big enough to stand on just barely big enough to get you straight again. This left arm is starting to be a big problem. If I let go, I will turn upside down. One more stretch and the rope is getting lighter so it is sliding easier. Dangling there I let it run and get a little speed and with speed comes heat. I get to the bottom.

It was a good rush!

I climbed back up and did an easy repel off the back side, about 50 feet, and no over hang.

This made it dark or all most and the trail was hard to see. Only slipped a few times. It is steep getting up there. To look at Portland from up there at night is worth the trip. The repelling was just extra.

Eat and then to the garage to change oil in my outboard motor.

Today I hope to get some physical things done. People with jobs don't have to work so hard.
