Friday, December 23, 2005

December 23, 2005 – Biking in Portland

How did Byran's day go. Up early to sand the last of the parts to the tables, shoes, and legs. Yea, finished at last with the sanding! Spray a heavy coat of paint on three of the five tables - that makes about six coats and the last one. Eight of the games get one coat. 200 checkers get their second and last coat. Eat lunch.

Biking time - yea! Get dressed and get on the bike. Go to the Saturday Market and wish Dean and Marie a Merry Christmas. As I was heading for Beaverton, a gal asked me for $27.00 so she could get a place to stay.

It is moist but a great day for a ride. I was gawking in the park and ran off the road into the mud. Just before I got to Dick’s house, I stopped and took a look at the waterfall that is along side of the road there. I stopped at Dick's and wished him a Merry Christmas. Turned on my light for riding. Got about a half mile, light quits, and it is starting to rain. I am only 20 miles from home and it is getting dark. Now is when I go another mile and the front tire goes flat. I ride another mile on the flat working hard on trying not to get run over the in work traffic. A shopping mall and I am thinking "bike shop, new light, and fix tire. (NO) Mr. B puts on new tire and tube in the rain and is off again to the train we call "Max." I went down what seemed to be 40 steps and the train got there. No ticket - so back up the steps, get ticket, and back down. Oh yes, call Ilene - not home. I am thinking if I get off in Portland I will have to ride a lot of roads and they are giving out tickets at about $90.00 for no lights - so the news say. There is a bike path almost to my house if I ride to Holgate - 20 miles on the train. I don't really want to be run over by a car so off I go to the I-205 bike path and on to the Spring Water Corridor - not many lights on that trail. There were some people on there that I wouldn't want to meet in a dark spot. Yea, and what part of not many lights didn't you read? I made it home just fine and ate dinner.

I went out to the garage to see how the tables were doing. I could not believe it! There was a knat that took a walk on the wet paint and there were two other ones that picked on the other tables. That makes three tables and three knats. It is not over. The Blazers were playing on TV and the game was close. Yes, I fell asleep with only 23 seconds to go. I have to wait until the 10:00 o'clock news to see who won. It has just been one of those days - bad - but I am fine and can do it again. (I rode 29 miles)

Byran on the side

PS Byran is whining again