Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jan. 9, 2007 - Byran and Jerry in Texas

I flew over Owyhee Reservoir where we used to have a lot of fun waterskiing. It was fun to see it from the sky. I met some nice people on the plane. As usual I was talking like no tomorrow, but it made the trip go faster. I know they were thinking, “How do I get rid of this bike riding guy?” The plane landed and ALL the luggage was there. I was so happy to see my bike, Friday. Marilane cooked a good dinner for us.

Day 2 - Jerry and I put Friday together and went for 4 mile walk, then a 36 mile bike ride with two of Jerry’s friends. The ride was on country roads, very few cars and trucks. We bought a hamburger at the end of the ride. While we were in getting our hamburgers, we left our $8,000 worth of bikes in the back of Jerry’s pickup with no locks on them. Theft is not a problem in this area. At home someone stole my 3-year old grandson’s plastic sled worth under $5. Oh, yes, I almost forgot. It was 70 degrees with little wind and not a cloud in the sky.

Marilane said I had to go back home. The weather followed me. Freezing rain and thunderstorms followed me. A little storm never kept me from riding before. This one will, however.

That night we looked at the cars on the auction list. Jerry was wondering why I didn’t give him my password until he saw you could bid on line. He said, “Yes, I could get you in a lot of trouble.”

Day 3 – We went for a ride, about 40 miles; half of it was downhill with a 50 mph wind at our backs. (I might have stretched the wind a little.) Coming back was not easy. It was an out-and-back ride.

I worked on Marilane’s shredder. Made a big mess for Jerry to clean up, as only I can do. We cut bamboo and hauled it to the dump.

We started a 1000 piece puzzle of Mickey. It had little pictures on the pieces. I thought it was going to be easy – WRONG!

Next day: Went for a hike. The ground was all dug up with tracks like deer. We walked up within 20 feet of a wild pig, and it was a BIG one. We were lucky it went the other way (only about 100 feet). We were talking as we were walking along and that’s why we didn’t scare it. Duh, have you ever seen me stop talking?

We went off to another trail. There was a fire hydrant in the middle of a small river or big creek. The third trail had 3 tree houses build by kids. From there it was off to the malls for shopping. We went to the liquor store where a gal was trying on hip huggers. (Yes, you read that right) She asked our opinion because the wind was blowing down her crack and she really didn’t like them. You had to be there; it was funny! Jerry wants to know how I can bring this out in people; he never had this problem there before.

We went to dinner at a special place and the more you joked with them, the more they came back. It was fun. Great food and the dessert was chocolate cake like no other.

Back to the puzzle – 70 today.

Next day: It is raining and the water is up. Jerry and I went store walking but after so much of that, that is enough. I found a pair of exotic earrings for Ilene in the Goodwill store for 99 cents. Jerry out did me by buying Ilene another exotic pair for $1. Poor Marilane did not get any earrings. Me is thinking Jerry is in trouble - giving another man’s wife exotic earrings and none for his wife.

Back to the dreaded puzzle. The puzzle is the thrill of the day.

5:00 p.m. I NEED a ride so on comes the rain gear. It is cold so you can’t see who is under all this heat saver. The day before it was in the 70’s but today it is 40 or less. They say the bad weather is to come so I am all dressed up and off I go. Not that way, the water is over the sidewalk, about a foot deep. Look, look – there are four 4-point bucks a half block from Jerry’s house. Oh, darn, a flat. What a hole in the tire! I never saw what made it.

After a half mile I was in Jerry’s garage fixing my tire. New tire, new tube and Friday’s back tire is a blankity, blank, blank to fix!!! I was glad I was inside where there was heat and light. After fixing it, it was dark. Some days you get to play with the wild pigs and some days you don’t.

Next day: It is cold. We went for a great ride, about 25 miles. There was this great bike/walk trail along the creek. It was about 6 miles. The flood put logs on the trail that we lifted off. One looked like poison ivy vine and Jerry was going to move it. I said, “That is not a good idea.” So, it is still there. Hands and feet got cold. Audrey gave me hand warmers. They are in my warm garage back home. Things I found on the ride: a green street marker, one penny, one ¼ inch drill, my first one and only, wheel weight, and the find of the day – A brand new folded up umbrella in perfect shape.

Dinner, nap, football, and the dreaded puzzle. I put in about 10 pieces in an hour.

Next day: Went for a mile walk. Worked on the Dreaded puzzle. All day freezing rain outside. Went to dinner. It was a great dinner. On the way Jerry got a free gravel wash from the city truck. We had dessert and then back to the dreaded puzzle. I was putting in about 2 pieces an hour, then I got on a role and was able to put in about 5 pieces in an hour.

Next day: Woke up to ice and rain still coming down. Back to the dreaded puzzle. Stress getting to Jerry – threw pieces on the floor, not really. They put the pieces on cookie sheets and he bumped onto one.

We worked all day on the dreaded puzzle, never went outside. The Dreaded Puzzle is now Done! The airport was closed.

Next day: It was a day of TV and putting Friday into the suitcase and trying to keep it under 50 pounds. I was having a problem with that.

We went for a walk to the 7-11 to get a Slurpee. Three days in the house and a lot of people were out trying to get the ice off their cars and trucks. We saw two ladies hammering on their car with rubber hammers. The ice was ½ inch thick. The road was bare and we were walking on the side walk. We ended up walking on the road because the side walk had ice on it.

The people here are very trusting. I saw about 30 vehicles just running while their owners were in the house. There is one other thing they do. They leave their garage doors open while they are off running errands.

We were back to watching the Discovery Channel and watching the icicles hanging from the house. On one of my walks, I saw one about 3 feet long.

The airplane ride back went very well and Mr. Talk-to-Everybody did his thing. It was a very interesting 10 days. Marilane and Jerry were very good hosts. I had a lot of fun. I recommend if you go on a trip like this, make sure you don’t know someone like Marilane with a Dreaded Puzzle. I know, I know, what else would I have been doing on those icy days?