Monday, June 16, 2008

June 7 and 8, 2008 - Myran Planned a Weekend

Myran’s plan was to go down to the Coast and take the jet skis and bikes. We would go bottom fishing and crabbing in the ocean, razor clamming and bay clamming. This is how the weekend turned out.

The people involved were Vellen, Sharon, Ilene, me, Trina, and our leader Myran. We were up at 5:00 a.m., top ramen for breakfast. I hooked up two jet skis and went to the gas station to fill up skis and van – over $150 in fuel.

I had a problem getting fuel in the second jet ski. I tried to move the trailer and it got tangled up in the post that protects the gas pump. Tore off the side light and bent the fender into the tire. I backed up and pulled fender out of tire and said, “Oh darn!” because it broke the side light. I then did a 360 and filled up the other jet ski. By then Ilene brought the coffee out to the van and we were off to pick up Myran and Trina to put their stuff in the van and put two bikes on the trailer with the skis. The pull down strap had to go through the bike and I pulled it out of the clip. We had a lot of trouble getting it back inside the clip. On top of everything it started to rain.

Vellen and Sharon followed us to Netarts Bay with his jet ski and bikes. On the way the bikes came loose and we had to retie them.

At Netarts Bay it was cold but no rain. We soon had the jet skis in the water and were going out into the ocean for the bottom fish and crab. There had been a storm the day before and the waves were very, very big. How big is very very big? Well to me it is like sitting on a stool and the top of the wave is at the ceiling of my house and about to become vertical and brake over. I stayed at the mouth and found an opening in the waves and went out into the ocean, having the boat fly through the air three times before getting to rough water. Vellen went out in another spot. It almost washed him off the ski taking his fish pole that he was sitting on from him. He got very, very scared, but he didn’t let go of his jet ski.

After we got over the bar, we kept looking for Myran. There was no Myran so we turned around and started back and spotted him. He had started into the breakers and was just a few seconds behind me. They broke and he turned around and went back. There was two reasons: 1) it probably would have washed him off his ski and 2) he had to go back to recoup and muster enough courage to go on through. We saw him after what seemed like a long time but were really only a couple of minutes. He was headed out through the breakers hitting one of them. You could see at least five feet of air between his jet ski and the top of the wave. He was soon with us again in the rough seas and telling us how terrified he was. I told him, “This was your idea.”

We hammered our way out for another mile and sat there for a few minutes talking and fishing - maybe 15 minutes. We all decided it was much too rough to stay out so we headed back into the dock. Going back was real easy – “kind of.” We went north of the Bay and then skirted the smaller part of the surf for a couple hundred yards and into the Bay, taking the waves on the side of the jet skis and hoping they wouldn’t tip over. Once into the Bay it was an easy run back.

We took a side trip up the other end of the Bay and ran aground. When we finally got off the sand bar and went on up, Myran noticed his fishing net was gone.

We loaded the jet skis and bikes back on the trailers and headed up to Tillamook’s south jetty. The road goes up to within three miles of the jetty. We unloaded the bikes. I was still in my dry suit. We walked in loose sand for about ½ mile and then rode three miles down the beach to the south jetty. This was a real workout and there was a good strong head wind. I stopped a few times. As I was riding, I noticed a clam hole and was able to dig one razor clam. When I finally reached the south jetty, I looked for clams and was able to get one more. We then went to the south jetty and took off about a gallon of Muscles a piece. Vellen, Myran, and I started back on the bikes. It was better going down wind but I was stiff from the jet skiing. With my “dead reckoning” I spotted a trail that I thought went over to the gravel road that went from the jetty to the parking lot. I was wrong! The trail turned out to be very narrow, with loose sand and brush that kept pulling at the Muscles in the bag. The short cut consisted of about a mile walking in loose sand. With my dry suit on the sweat was just running off of me. I was soaking wet from my short cut, but it came out at the Van.

We didn’t have time to go back to Netarts Bay so Myran talked to these guys who said there were cockrels out in Tillamook Bay in the oyster beds. Oysters are not legal to take. I walked out about ½ mile, and then Vellen met up with me with his clam gun. We were able to get about a half dozen small Gapers and about a quart of shrimp, small shrimp, which were very tasty but hard to eat.

The mud/sand on this bay was about three inches deep. It made it very hard to walk. Myran showed up. He and Trina had been walking the other direction. He wondered why we were digging so much. Trina went back. We walked back with him and loaded the bikes back on the trailer.

Myran drove to Cape Lookout. He said I hit too many pot holes in the road. It looked like he hit quite a few himself. We were able to get two full hook-up camp sites for free. It was a free state-wide weekend. No licenses required on this weekend either.

We sat around the electric heaters, talked, and drank beer. Ilene made the comment that if they hadn’t made it back, the three main men in her life would have been gone.

Vellen, only having had 4 hours sleep, went for a nap. We cooked our clams and shrimp. Myran and I finished off a $20 bottle of Port while sitting by the camp fire. About 9:30 we decided to go to bed and Vellen got up from his nap. We stayed up a little longer and then we all went back to bed.

The next morning we were up at 7:00 and walked down to see how rough the ocean was. It had calmed down a lot over the night so we planned on fishing and crabbing. Struck camp and headed back to Netarts Bay. We put the dry suit and wet suits back on and headed back out. The bar was better this time but far from flat. Once in the ocean it was calm so we went out and fished and crabbed. We didn’t catch either but I did catch a Cormorant Yes, I know it is a diving bird. The bird put up a real good fight but got away. We spend a couple hours out there fishing.

We headed back. Vellen missed the channel and ended up on the beach. He learned his jet ski would not go on the sand and STOPPED. He went head first over the handle bars bruising himself in several places. I looked over and saw him standing there and was wondering what he was doing, but I had my own problems coming in over the surf. I skied around there waiting for a wave to come so he could pull his ski out and back into the breakers. He was soon with us again.

We went back to the truck and picked up Trina and Sharon. We then went back out to the mouth and dug about 15 razors. After that we went up the Bay and dug Gapers and cockrels. The cockrels were all over and very easy to get. Vellen was digging a Gaper and he said, “I think I lost it.” About that time it squirted him in the face. Everyone was standing around watching him dig and got a big laugh out of that.

We went back out to the mouth and watched about 20 kayakers go through the surf. Back at the dock Sharon was complaining because she got all wet and Vellen drove too fast. I drove the ski onto the trailer and Vellen pulled it out. As he was driving to the parking spot, I found myself turning the ski and leaning. Being on the trailer this did not do anything. We loaded the skis and bikes and headed for the Tillamook Cheese Factory and ice cream, but stopped at the fruit market on the way.

After ice cream Myran drove home. I went to sleep. We unpacked and went down to the Willamette River to wash out the jet skis, then a quick trip from Milwaukie to Portland. The ships were in for the Rose Parade so you had Coast Guard, police, and everyone guarding the ships. Three jet skiers coming at full speed toward them put them in motion. We turned around and went back.

The waves from the other boats used to be fun to jump but after the waves in the Pacific, they were more of an annoyance than fun to jump. The river was so high that we took the boats out in the parking lot.

Ilene and Trina stayed back at the house cleaning clams while we were washing out the jet skis. That night we ate clams. Myran ate beef because he doesn’t like clams. Everybody likes to get them. We got 121 over the weekend. I tried to talk them into Pinochle but they were just too tired. I ended up watching the Celtics and the Lakers. Vellen was moving very, very slow. He was really hurting.

Just a typical weekend, not much exciting happening in our lives. I hope next time when Myran plans a weekend we get to do something exciting.