Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 17, 18, 19, 2009 – Cycle Oregon Weekend

I put off packing until the morning I left. I put a day’s clothes in and a couple jerseys, lubed up the chain on my bike, and put it all in my truck. I then realized I didn’t have my tent, sleeping bag and mattress. Around noon I drove to the gas station and filled it up. Ilene had put the address in the GPS so I was on my way.

It was a good drive to Monmouth, OR and Western Oregon University but I soon realized there was going to be a problem on this ride. The air conditioner in my truck was working way too much! One of those signs that tell the temperature said 97 degrees.

Being early there was lots of parking and lots of camp sights. I walked about a 100 feet from where my truck was. I started to put my tent up in the center of a real plush grassy field with no shade. These people from Florida asked where to put up their tent. I said, “Right there.” They gave me the funniest look. Later the field was covered with tents.

The first day was a short 63 mile ride with moderate hills. I started early. The hills were in the beginning so I was able to get them out of the way while the temperature was still in the 70’s. As noon approached, it was soon 99 degrees. Why did summer start on this weekend? The people from Florida said it was 114 degrees there, so I guess we were blessed with a little cool weather at that.

As usual, Cycle Oregon took really good care of us. When I got back to camp, I showered and went for a swim in the pool at the University where we camped. I told a very dumb joke and the other riders told me it was a dumb joke. I thought being stranded on an escalator for four hours was funny.

The second day I was up early so I could get started before the heat. I was really burned out from the first day so I took the medium course – 36 miles. There was an option to ride the ferry across the Willamette River. I did not. I rode down the road and there was a nice strong breeze blowing in my face to keep me cool. They are developing some really nice asphalt bike paths in this area.

When I got back to camp, there were two girls fooling with the people from Florida’s tent. I asked “What’s going on?” They said, “The tent blew down and was starting to blow away.” I bet when they got back they would wonder what happened to their tent and why it was all sprawled out on the ground.

It was one of those trips where everything went really well except for the heat. It was just one great ride. They did have a place to complain. It was at the beer gardens.
I came home wearing the “The Worst Day of the Year Ride” T-shirt. When I got it, it was raining, snowing, and the wind was blowing. I was cold.