Wednesday, June 26, 1996

June 26, 1996 - Dad & Bryan in the fog

I went fishing Sunday. It was a good trip. We started late so we were one of the last ones to put in and there was no big rush at the dock.

We put in our crab net for the day but someone pulled it and took out all the crabs for us. I hope they liked them. At least they left the net and didn't take it.

My dad and I out over the bar and out in the ocean. It was ruff out there but we fished and didn't catch any salmon. It was a little foggy but not bad, so we decided to go bottom fishing. So off we went. We found a spot but it was not the right one and it was foggier than before. So we looked and out of the fog there it was as big as life. (The fishing hole) So we fished and caught about 14. I looked at the GPS and it was 13.08 so we talked it over and started back. Now this was going to be a long trip back because the wind had come up and the sea was getting rougher; we were only able to go eight miles and hour and the tide was going three. Slow is one word for it and don't forget rough. It was only seven point three miles to go. When we finally got to the bar, all wet and cold, it was flat and easy to go over. So we loaded the boat on the trailer and headed home with no other problems. It was a fun trip to go fishing with my dad.


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