Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sept. 23, 2006 - Ride to the beach OR. WA.

I think it was Audrey who said, “I would like to ride to the beach,” and I said, “My lot would be fun to ride to in the summer. It was how about this date? How about that date? We just went through the summer, and then there was a weekend that was empty. YEA!!!!!!! I didn’t know I was so busy. What would the weather be like? Two weeks ago we were planning on calling it off, but it was great - clear and about in the 60 to 80 degree range.

Ilene is off taking care of the kids tonight and I am cooking a dozen oysters for dinner - Just the way I like them. I put them in a pan, heat and turn them over, and then heat them all the way through. I then put milk on them and let the milk get warm, break a row of crackers over them, and eat it all out of the pan. I don’t like to wash dishes and it is very rare when I do. Ilene, the skillet is dirty. I am now full so on with ride.

I did the ride with Audrey and there was a lot to work out so there were a lot of emails back and forth. I am not much on making plans but some people think you should do that. They think food and a place to sleep is something to look into before you go on a trip. Yes and where you are going is another part of the pie.

One time Ilene, our four kids and I started in Milwaukie OR and were going to Louisiana. We had $3,400. We ended up in Key West, Florida with $150. We made it back but borrowed $100 from friends in Colorado. The year 1978. We had a great five weeks.

Well the plans were laid. We were up at 6:00 a.m. to do the things that people do in the morning. We got into the truck and Ilene and I drove over to Audrey and Tom’s house in East Vancouver, WA (Coast is west). Plans are for an 8:00 a.m. start. We are on the bikes at 7:30. I might be a little anxious and that might be why I didn’t sleep well the night before. My Odometer broke and there were two wood cuts Friday before the ride. I did the cut and put on a new Odometer. I was off to bed at 11:30 p.m.

We struck out to find the St. Johns Bridge. I knew which way was west. Audrey was leading. She can read a map; it was a blur to me. The sun was in my face. South then - it was on my right shoulder. I said, “Do you know the Coast is in the West in this state?” We were going the wrong way but making good time. (Yea right) Yes, I did not know where we were and still don’t know, but there was the 205 bridge over the Columbia. We were soon in Oregon and you would think I knew my own state like Marine Drive and over to the St. Johns Bridge. “That is the long way. Let me lead; I know a short cut.” What is the sun doing in my face and over my right shoulder again? Audrey says, “Let’s look at the map.” Oh joy, that blurred thing again. “There is a good bike trail over there, very little road riding.”

We are soon at the bridge and riding down the other side - about 30 miles so far. Time for a thrill. There are telephone poles in the middle of the sidewalk and we are riding the side walk because the road was narrow and had lots of cars. Audrey is leading. They poured the concrete with a crack in it the width of the tire at a slight angle to the side walk. She got into the crack and was thinking crashing into telephone pole or hand rail but made it. Then it was my turn. It almost got us both. On to Highway 30 and the beach.

It is the next day and Ilene is washing the skillet. Yea, I am man - don’t do dishes.

The road is good and it is a good ride to an apple tree where I climb over a bunch of black berries and down over the edge of the road in my hard biking shoes. I only get cut up a little but the red apples were worth every cut. Into St. Helens and off the beaten path to a place that sold meat and bread with horse radish and steak sauce. I kept putting on the horse radish that was the hottest I have ever seen and making weird faces. Audrey asked, “Why do you keep putting it on?” “Because it is there!” I guess I am not the sharpest pencil.

For some reason I am thinking it is 90 miles to Astoria, but it is about 110. Up the hill and out of Rainier. The view is worth the two stops. Miss Map Person waits for me at the view stops. At the top there is a road that takes you to Mayger. I have never been there but there was not enough time to do it today. (Darn) Well next time.

One more small hill that took us up to the summit - over 600 feet. Ilene and Tom are parked at the top - always at the top. Tom pulls up his map on his computer and tells us all the things you would want to know about the road.

A little rest and off again. The odometer read 101 miles. We were about 10 miles out of Astoria. Dark was coming. We went to get a shower in the park at Cape Disappointment and then to the “lot” as we call it. The kids heard we were doing the ride so Zida, Matt, Caleb (3), Charis (21 months), Trina, and Myran met us at the lot. Matt brought his guitar and we sang some good songs like Beer Beer Beer and A Pub with no Beer. The stars were out and in the dark woods you can really see them.

Audrey ask what time to get up and I said any time you want. We had breakfast and a walk to town to get a coffee. It was hot on the beach. I have never seen it so warm down there. About 1:00 p.m. we were back on our bikes going to where we had stopped the day before.

There are things you think about but never, never, never say. The person I was riding with, I won’t say her name, said, “Gee, the ride and the road are good on this ride.” After that the chip seal got bad, real bad. Then there was the place where there was no road and you had to ride in the traffic. There was a tunnel that had a sidewalk, narrow sidewalk, and the cars like to honk at you in there. I honked back. Now the ramp up to the side walk is Ok but the other end is only a foot drop off as you come out of the dark. Not too bad if you can stay on the wet sidewalk. This was the worst part of the ride - only about ten miles.

Up over the Astoria Bridge, and Audrey is waiting for me at the top. We looked at the view and took pictures, then down the other side and through town on the side walk. We were going to buy a cookie at this place by the baseball park but they were changing hands and were closed. I have eaten one of these cookies for dinner. Unbelievable! Oh well, down the road ten miles by the stinky road kill and into the van for the ride home.

I really had a great time on the 144.6 mile ride and did not get sore but was moving a lot slower. It is great to have such good friends and family. They just made the whole thing a lot of fun. What is next you ask? Well, I plan nothing and do everything I can. What a play on words. I will have you talking funny and make you think. That is when I know you will be “Byranized.” (a quote from Stephanie)


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