Thursday, August 07, 2003

Aug. 7, 2003 – Focus on the Family
National Bike Ride

Well, well, well! How did I get talked into this ride? I was at church for a memorial service. As usual, I was giving every one a bad time about going for a bike ride. They think I am a real strong rider and will make then look really bad so they shy away and make up excuses for not riding with me. I eat this up, but someone does burn me once in a while. Yes, I deserve it. The pastor put me down. I was blowing and making excuses and he was smiling and still going.

Marie Wachlin was at the church and I was giving her a hard time. She took me up on riding that day and then she asked me to go on the Focus on the Family bike ride. I had never done Portland to Seattle. The other three times it was Seattle to Portland.

Five years ago I started riding sponsored rides and it was one of my first rides with my kids. It took two days. Matt called it an “everlasting weekend.” We went 140 miles the first day. I was so spent. Ilene drove us home and we spent the night. I was zonked out. The next day Ilene drove us back to the same spot and off we went.

Yes, back to the training. It went well and I could see a lot of improvement in Marie’s riding. We went out one day and it was near 100 degrees. We went slow but Marie did good. We went only 20 miles that day. There are not a lot of riders out when it is that warm.

Marie and I did the bike ride for Focus on the Family. Her husband, Norm, drove the four of us to the orientation meeting. We found that the Focus people really put a lot of time into making it a good trip for us.

Marie and I conned Norm and Ilene into volunteering their time while Marie and I rode. They were supposed to give us a rub down every night (Right!). The volunteers did wash our jerseys, spandex shorts, and socks every night so we all looked (and smelled) the same. They kept track of our luggage every day, made lunch for us, and kept our water bottles filled.

Well, back to the meeting.

The meeting went well and we met Barbara and Robert Henderson there. They needed a ride back from Seattle with someone who had room enough for their tandem. They also needed a place to park their van. The bike fit into our van and their van fit nicely in our driveway. Myran came home that night and asked what the van was doing in our driveway. I am surprised he even noticed one more car in our driveway. When it gets full the lawn is next and when the family gets together it is full too. I always say the grass will come back.

The Journey was the object of the ride. We are the lucky ones that can and do the rides. It takes time to get in shape so you can be with great people who ride. I was going to ride with Marie but it never did work out all that well.

The first thing I did was pump up my tires. The pump ate the stem so the Support person put a new tube in my back tire. No, I didn’t do well that morning. I got the front one too.

I started out riding with Marie but as we started into Portland, I stayed back with Tom. We brought up the rear as Marie and Laura road ahead. Marge, Tom and I waited for her to rest. As we started down the hill, Marie and Laura were walking up the other side. I thought, “This is not good.” Marge was all out so I knew Tom would find out what they were doing. I kept up with Marge and away we went looking for green arrows. Well, not me. I was in the back. She missed one some place but since I live here, not a problem. Ha. I knew where we should be but didn’t know the route. The map Ilene gave me, my “support” person, would help. Not! I could not see so out came the glasses. The names did not match at all. Then Marge says, “This map is for tomorrow.” This is going to be one of those days.

We found the group by a short cut. I thought it was a short cut but Marge didn’t think so.

The afternoon was going good and I thought I would walk over the Longview Bridge. They were working on it and every truck in Oregon and Washington thought it was time to use the bridge. I don’t even want to know what they would have been thinking if we road 6 miles an hour up that bridge. Good fortune was with us at the top. Someone stopped at the top and held the traffic back. We got on our bikes and coasted down the other side. The rest of the day was talk and ride.

That night Tom talked about Milestones in his life and that we should have milestones to work toward. The two most important used words used in prayer “But God” was talked about.

Day two ride went well. Marie was to learn that what you say will come back to haunt you. At our lunch stop, she came out of the little Girls room and made the statement that the seat in there was a lot better then the one on her bike. Two people, who did not ride, came up with this idea of getting her a toilet seat for her bike. I am not saying names but her husband and my wife drank coffee together a lot. One of these people and I (the other one had to do laundry) went out and bought a kid’s padded toilet seat for her. We gave it to her at dinner. If you pull a prank and can’t admit to it, it is too mean. I like people that tell you what they are thinking then you don’t have to guess. One other thing happened today. My bike turned over 12,000 miles and it was time for CHOCOLATE!

Day three and my milestone was coming. It started out so good and I was riding with Marge letting her lead; then she would say, “You lead but don’t kill me. Well we all know what kind of rider I am. I was looking at this tree, that big body of water and double garage doors that sag. Yes, I missed the green arrow, but Marge and I made great time going down this great hill. At the bottom I flagged down a Police officer and he told us how to get back on track - 17 blocks. There was no more downhill (darn) and my tire went flat. I am on my bike lost and it is a great day for riding. NO big problem. Marge calls Support and says we are lost but are going the right way and will be on track shortly. The Support drives up behind us and my milestone comes to reality. We put my bike on the sag van L so we can catch up with the group. We are 15 miles back!

There was so much that I did not put down on this trip. Marie says I should put more senses in my writing and she is right. The smell on the third day made me hunger for seafood.

The rest of the ride went well. We gathered at a gas station so we could all ride in together. Tradition is that someone from the group rides in first leading the rest. This year it was me. What a great honor to be elected to be the one to ride in first. I felt so proud leading such a great group of people who were riding for such a great cause.

I drove back to Portland in our Van with plans of riding the Bridge Pedal with Barbara and Robert. Oh yea, my kids just love to do it too. We all met down in Portland, bought our tickets and over the bridges we went. There is something about standing on top of a Freeway bridge six lanes wide and looking over the town. There were 17,000 riders, every kind of bike, and even little kids, 16 and 25 miles long. The weather was great for the ride.

I just feel so happy that I can ride my bike. When you ride, you can stop and smell the roses. The good part about being retired is you don’t have to be back at any particular time. I like doing things now because there might not be next year. I am a very fortunate person and like to have fun with all I meet. I believe God looks after me in all the things I do.

Memories of the ride
By Byran


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