Thursday, February 25, 2010


On February 14, 2010, Jerry and I went to Lompoc, California to stay and ride with Ray and his friends in his biking club.

I would complain about all the aches and pains of us old guys but a mega byte of that would be a lot and still not be all of it. Sometimes I think we are in bad shape, then again when we all get together the world could be falling down around us and that is when we have the greatest time together.

When you know someone in the military, you can ride around on the Vandenberg Air Force base. It is really great because there usually is not much traffic, if any. It was a real fun 6 days of riding. We rode about 10 miles the first day and 40 to 60 miles a day all the other days for a total of 250 miles for the week. That’s really good for only doing 30 miles of training this year.

As everyone knows, I pick up wheel weights and anything else that looks interesting. I was so far behind, I was not picking up wheel weights, but I looked down and thought I saw an ipod. Being the last rider, I stopped to pick up this ipod. Later when I got with the group, I was going to show off the new ipod that I found. It ended up being a container for dental floss. There was a little bit said about my new dental floss ipod.

When riding up a long steep hill, someone lost 6 or more real nice coats. When you are on a bike and it is 80 degrees out with nowhere to tie on a coat or even think you want one, I passed them by. They did look new. So, you don’t get to keep all the treasures you find. In sunny California, on a freeway, there are a bunch of coats.

Everyday we rewarded ourselves with a glass of wine or a beer. One day we even had a banana split. It was just one great week! It was one of those trips that didn’t have a disaster in it. Everything went real smooth. We just had a good time. So, dust off that old bike in the garage, pump up the tires, call some friends, and go for a short ride.

Since I was in such poor condition for this trip, Myran talked me into a jet ski trip the day after I got home.

You people don't know how to do it right to make yourself really stiff and sore. You have your sons say, "Let's go jet skiing on the Columbia River." You are going to go crabbing and fishing also.

Now put this into view. It is 39 degrees, a 15 MPH wind, and you are putting on a dry suit. This is a very cold thing to do.

Your jet ski is soon in the water and you are heading out. The spray from the boat is hitting you in the face to keep you cooled down. As soon as you clear the harbor, you increase the speed to max, about 50 MPH. Your hands and feet go numb very fast, but you have on a warm pair of booties and gloves that are not getting it done. The gloves and booties soak up and you are back to numb hands and feet. The spray from the front of the boat is hammering you in the face and waves are two or three feet high. 15 miles of this and you are out at the bar and the waves now are (per Vellen) about 2 stories high. When you go over them you cut w a a a a a y back on the throttle or you will fly forever.

When you stop to fish, the tide is running out and you find yourself a long ways from where you started. You have to run the Jet Ski about 1/2 throttle to get back to where you started fishing.

Myran and Vellen both did fishing and crab pulling. The net would be heaping full of females that you couldn't keep. They had sore backs and blistered hands, but a smile on their face. They were able to get 10 legal crabs and I was able to catch 5 rock fish - a total of 10 rock fish for all of us.

We hammered our way back to the harbor and now are stiff from being cold and sore from being beat to death from the jet skis. The great part is we ALL had a big smile on our face.

When are you coming to go fishing and crabbing with me? It is great cold weather conditioning. This conditioning takes about 5 hours.


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