Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Oct. 31. 2006 - Hood River ride.

There is bad news and good news.

Audrey, the person that I ride with once a week for 50 miles or so, will not be doing that for some time - well not now but soon. She is due in May. All the time I thought with my great sense of humor and charm and just the greatest person you would ever want to meet, she would not start a family. How selfish can a person get, starting a family over riding with me. We did have some great rides but there are changes and they are meant to be. So seize the moment and then go on.

We road from Hood River to the Dalles. Now lets see the weather person said 20 degrees and strong winds and clear. They are never right but this time they were.

We met at Columbia Springs Educational Center is what I call the Park (Washington) where there are two mini vans parked over to the side. They both get into one van, hmmm, and they both leave at the same time in separate vans, hmmm. They drive out of their way so we can't look in, hmmm. Condoms on the ground, humm. They are there when we go for our rides, hmmm. Audrey says don't scare them away till I get there, Hmmm.

Off to Hood River. I did get cold riding in the shade but in the sun was hot. So it was a day of taking off and putting on. So clear and crisp. There were two tour buses full of people with heavy coats and looking like they were going to freeze to death. Audrey and I are in light coats, her glistening and me sweating at the view point. We put on our rain gear to keep out the wind and down we went getting blown all over the road.

As I was riding on the trail in The Dalles and not paying much attention to it, I looked up and there were leaves about 6 inches deep. It looked like rocks in the trail and I am going about 12 miles an hour. I was thinking I was going to crash on those rocks. It was something you have to experience. Words will not do it.

We bought a Sub at the best place to eat in Oregon. Then back to the trail on the road. Yes, there was a car that thought it was bigger. It was so we stopped and let it go by even though we had the right of way.

It always seems shorter going back to Hood River. Just a great day for a ride.

Back into the truck and turn on the heat full. Yes, there was lots of traffic and we were stopped when there was the screech of brakes behind us. They stopped in time. What is dull like?

47 mile ride in the cold - what a rush! Something new on every ride. Come along and be Byranized.

Yes, I had Elk brains and eggs for breakfast. Some useless information. There was more brains in the White Tail Deer than the Elk. So, I am less smart this month than last month. I am really going to be a lot less smart Thanksgiving. Turkey brains are really small.



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